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Seeking Polar Bears

7 replies [Last post]
Joined: 07/31/2008

Does anyone know where I might find plastic or wooden polar bears? I've checked various stores, did online searches. eBay, Amazon and am having no luck. I only need 3 or 4 that are under 1" long or smaller. They can be standing, sitting or walking. I am not picky.
Thanks for any suggestions you all can offer. David D.

bonsaigames's picture
Joined: 12/20/2010
Found these...
drktron's picture
Joined: 07/18/2010
polar bears

how about these:

the link didn't go to the specific page. click on "pawns & other figures", then "animals" . The polar bears are on page 4.

Joined: 07/31/2008
Thanks for the links guys!

Thanks for the links guys! Unfortunately, I would prefer not to pay extra for international purchases. It's not THAT necessary I have the polar bears. I just didn't think it'd be that hard to find any.

I did however really like the German company. They offer lots of great stuff. I'll be keeping that one in mind for future necessary items. Thanks again for the help.

new to the game
new to the game's picture
Joined: 08/26/2011

what about those little figures from 'red rose' brand tea? dont know if the have polarbears, but might be worth looking into, they are cool figurines. :)

new to the game
new to the game's picture
Joined: 08/26/2011
they do! cool ones, too :)
OATS's picture
Joined: 11/23/2010
1 inch wooden polar bear...

hmm... this is a good challenge. I think you can make a 1 inch wooden peg bear out of wooden pieces sold from Michael's the craft store. I am thinking it would take 2 pieces (1 inch round peg and a wooden plug for the head) and a little bit of green stuff to make the ears. Here is a pic of a sketch that I made:
I will try to make a "test bear" later on in the week and posting it for you.

OATS's picture
Joined: 11/23/2010
Wooden Bear

Here is the test-bear :-)
It is not painted, but you get a good idea of what it looks like put together with a few wooden pegs. I used smaller wooden plugs for the ears instead of green stuff. You can get enough wooden pegs for all four of your (prototype) bears @ michael's for under $10.
Hope this helps.

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