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Transparent Hex Tiles - prototypes

3 replies [Last post]
Kalmari Krapula
Joined: 11/19/2010


have anyone of you guys done anything with transparent tiles in the game? My idea is to use transparent hex tiles to mark roads, bulidngs, etc.. and still keep terrain under them visible. Now I'm going to playtest the game and I'm interested to know do you have any other means to test transparent hex-tiles than buy them somewhere?

I'm trying to say that I'm not so used to pay a LOT of money for my prototype, which will get fixed anyways.

Thanks, Kalmari

Joined: 09/20/2009
Depending Thickness

You might print on transparency sheets then cutout the hexes, a thicker, but more expensive rout is to make acrylic hexes and use dry erase on them.

suf's picture
Joined: 07/26/2010
You can have plastic chips

You can have plastic chips like these or transparent sheet on which you can print. You can glue multiple sheets and/or chips for thicker bits.

Kalmari Krapula
Joined: 11/19/2010
Thank you

how I didn't think sheets myself. It's exactly what I was looking for. :)

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