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Version 1.13c of nanDECK is available for download

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nand's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008

Version 1.13c of nanDECK is available for download, these are the new features:

- New DUPLEX directive
- New HTMLIMAGE directive
- New AUTOLABEL function
- Added flag N in IMAGE directive for loading png transparency
- Added color parameter in SAVE directive for saving transparency information
- Added flag $ in FILTER function for filtering n-of-a-kind sequences
- Added flag £ in FILTER function for filtering straight sequences
- Added syntax for random color patterns
- Added parameter in PRINT directive for duplex printing
- Fixed bug in % operator
- Fixed bug in IF directive
- Fixed bug in DPI directive

Download site:

I wrote a small page to explain these features here:


Joined: 05/19/2010

I've been using nanDECK to design cards for my game Skulduggery. Really happy with it! Great documentation! I just made my first Label, but I don't think I've even scratched the surface of what I can do with the program.

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