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What to expect in a card database?

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jonathanflike's picture
Joined: 03/09/2016

Hello Everyone,

I'm currently working on my card database on my website (for my fantasy card game), and I was curious what people would expect or want in a card game database that plays like a TCG or a Living Card Game. I used the Yugioh! and MTG Gatherer databases as a guide, but I wonder if they are lacking for reasons I may be missing for gamers. All the cards are in a grid format and when you click on one it takes you to a page dedicated to them. It has a large image of the card, the stats and abilities written in plain text without the icon shortcuts present on the cards, and other facts like the artist etc. I also put a piece of flash fiction about the card (build the universe and lore) on the page along with a section of FAQs (that I am guessing will be FAQs). Is this enough, is there anything else you find in any other those databases or ones I didn't mention in regards to card games that you hate or something you like that you think I should add? Input is greatly appreciated.

-Jonathan Flike

Joined: 01/27/2017

The only thing I can think of to add would be user comments, but that is an expensive option (moderation, more complex software, etc.) and definitely not necessary.

jonathanflike's picture
Joined: 03/09/2016
Thanks for the feedback

FrankM wrote:
The only thing I can think of to add would be user comments, but that is an expensive option (moderation, more complex software, etc.) and definitely not necessary.

Thanks for your insight Frank. I can actually add a comments section to the website and I believe for each card in the database. I know Gatherer for Magic has it, but from what I see, only the most controversial cards get any kind of comments or traffic. My hope was that the addition of the FAQs and Rulings later on would satisfy any big questions people had on the cards. I'll eventually get to work on adding forums or something so people can have a separate place to let out their frustrations about anything that bothers them where it would be more centralized to moderate. I guess that is really it then. Once I finish, I'll post the final product to get some further insight. Thanks again!

-Jonathan Flike

Mosker's picture
Joined: 03/30/2014
FrankM wrote:The only thing I

FrankM wrote:
The only thing I can think of to add would be user comments, but that is an expensive option (moderation, more complex software, etc.) and definitely not necessary.

Additionally/alternatively, you could have a way for players to rate cards, upload decks, so you might have some useful data for your own use.

As a player and designer, I would be interested in notes about card use. E.g. "We designed card X increase the utility of card Y but initial tests told us the combo was underpowered, so we reduced attribute A by 2/implemented rules regarding frequency within a deck or in play."

"Our first tournament had everyone screaming for an RST combination defense, so we pooled our testers and came up with Q. Shout out to Hypnotic Hare gamers."

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