There is a new contest being sponsored by Rio Grande with a promise that at least one entry will get published.
The requirements seem contrived.
Here is a good example
(7) The primary designer / entrant will be responsible for bringing the game including three copies of the final rules and all necessary components to the play test session you have been scheduled for. If you arrive more than ten minutes late, your play test session will be canceled and you won’t be eligible to compete.
12) All play test sessions will be run without rules teachings, explanations or clarifications by the designer. The play test table will learn the game "cold." The designer is not allowed to answer rules questions during the game. Do your best to make sure rules are well written and clear! It is encouraged to include player aids if you think this will help your game run smoothly.
Why do I need to come if the game is going to be evaluated without any input by myself?
Well good luck to those that try.