So we're going to be at GenCon in the First Exposure Playtest Hall this year. We will be actively seeking to have publishers come by to demo our game Kaiju: Deck Destruction. We will have a finished prototype and are really looking forward to being there. We haven't received the schedule for the playtest hall yet but we've received our invoice so we will definitely be there.
Is it best to contact any publishers who we think would be a good fit for the game and just invite them to come by? Should we wait until we have our schedule for the playtest hall and try to arrange a time and date to demo the game? Are there places to arrange meetings with publishers outside of the playtest hall at the Con or should we ask them out to dinner? Does buying them a drink first help? Should we bring corsages?
This is our first time at GenCon and we're really excited but a little unsure of how to actively seek out publishers. We don't expect anyone to take a chance on a first time designer sight unseeen.
Thanks folks,