I've been contacted by an advertising agency to design a promotional game for a laaarge corporation. I had to assemble a working prototype in 2 weeks! The result was a light euro management game themed around the corporation's bussiness.
I've read a ton of post about royalties standards and upfront payments for game publishers but I cannot recall anything about this. The game will not be sold, but only distributed among employees, bussiness partners and some clients. I sense we could be talking about 1000 deluxe copies plus 4000 regular ones. Plus, I'm not doing the whole part, just the game theme and mechanics. The agency will deal with the art and packaging desing.
So, THE QUESTION, how do you charge that?
I need a good idea in no time. Deadline could be anytime now!
Thanks. Keep thinking!
I see how this can sound odd, but here, many times we do bussiness without money until the Fat Lady comes in and settles all accounts (we call that the "chain of happiness").
The thing is, the "idea" of an advertising campaign may not take too long for a creative person. It could even spawn as a second of "enlightenment" (is this english?). So people in advertising here tell me that the price of an idea is proportional with how good the idea is, not how much thinking it took you. Still, I see a boardgame could be a different case regarding that.
Anyways, I'll do my math and add a x3, x5 or x10 for what it takes...
Good pointers on % in further print runs and personal copies. Thanks guys for your quick insight,
Keep thinking!