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Kickstarter super-pledge levels

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adversitygames's picture
Joined: 09/02/2014

(though I'm working on my Nightlancer KS page at the moment and have that in mind a lot right now, this is more about general KS theory)

What makes a good super-pledge? (around the $1000 level)

I think they're generally a good thing to have, just in case there's a backer who *does* have $1000 to splash around so you can offer them something for it.

I don't really like any ideas I've seen or had for actual offers though.


This is the one I think has most potential to work, but it seems like anything worth $1000 should involve giving the backer a *lot* of input on the artwork, so this would be very limited-edition.


I dislike the idea of giving up any development control to backers - having a bit of artistic input is one thing, but when you involve backers in the actual game mechanics and balance I can only see a disaster happening


Assuming they fly themselves to your country (though flying within europe is pretty cheap) to avoid soaking up your margin.

I guess this is ok for some designers, but this one seems like it's very much not for me. I'm very ambivalent about this one :/

to be blunt: lots of potential for getting stuck in a room with a weirdo for a day, and I don't think I'd knowingly do that for any amount of money, so I'd need to include "I reserve the right to bail out if you get weird"


One I've considered here is getting something like special collectibles of some sort. For example custom-designed miniatures. The problem here is, the overhead cost for getting them designed and getting the mould is big (I don't actually know how big, anyone know how much it takes to design a 25/28mm mini? at GW-level detail?)

ElKobold's picture
Joined: 04/10/2015
From what I've seen they only

From what I've seen they only make sense in campaigns which are already massively popular.

I.e. I wouldn't bother with adding those until you fund.

iamseph wrote:
For example custom-designed miniatures. The problem here is, the overhead cost for getting them designed and getting the mould is big (I don't actually know how big, anyone know how much it takes to design a 25/28mm mini? at GW-level detail?)

~500 EUR for the model + ~5000 EUR for the tool (unless you can stick it in the existing one).

Joined: 08/24/2016
Also, backers can pledge

Also, backers can pledge custom dollar amounts via the "Make a pledge without reward" option. If they have money to splash around and they wish to boost your project, they can do so without any "Super Pledge Levels."

alandor's picture
Joined: 02/23/2014
I have seen these options in

I have seen these options in kickstarter campaigns but I can't remember if I've ever seen them backed. One option I'd consider if I ever make a kickstarter campaign for a boardgame is the option to buy hand crafted versions of the game. They could be more exclusive (signed by designer/artist, special components, etc.) plus have a substantially faster delivery time because you could start making them immediately when the campaign is over.

I wouldn't put very much hope in these pledge levels though. That's probably not what's going to get you funded.

Soulfinger's picture
Joined: 01/06/2015
iamseph wrote:to be blunt:

iamseph wrote:
to be blunt: lots of potential for getting stuck in a room with a weirdo for a day, and I don't think I'd knowingly do that for any amount of money, so I'd need to include "I reserve the right to bail out if you get weird"

Right, but if I back at this level, how much do I get to touch you? Can I breathe your air if we're not kissing? Also, do I have to wear pants -- if so, can they be yours -- and would you like to know more about the church of Scientology (don't worry, my version is better because of its Raelian influence)? Lastly, I am a real life vampire.

Like that? Man, I know what you mean. Anyone who'd pay money just to meet me better be after sex!

I intend to sell off my design notebooks as a backer level, these hand-written notebooks that look like they were used as hobo bedding give one-of-a-kind insights into the design process, include unpublished material, awful sketch art, and maybe even grocery lists.

You could sell the prototype and associated components.

You could sell a feline edition that comes packaged with a free cat from your local animal shelter. People love cats!

I'm fairly crafty, so I'll probably be offering stuff like original one-off painted miniatures (not super great ones, mind you) or weird ephemera. For example, one art project I did was to design packaging for fictional ammunition including some obviously non-functional rounds. It comes in handy if you, your wife, or friends can make that sort of stuff. Otherwise, it is a liability.

You could do a handful of artisan editions with guest artists doing the cover illustrations, deluxe components, and such. Pull out the stops! Or make it super weird, as a burusera edition, and include your used underwear. You know . . . except for the fact that my wife would kill me, I would do that as an option and find it hilarious right up until someone bought it, and then I'd feel sick and weird all the rest of my life. Thanks wife!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
From what I have read...

The "sweet spot" for rewards is between $30-50 USD. Your primary pledge level should be in that bracket. That's where most of your backers will come from.

Another noteworthy piece of information is don't "invest" in extras. You're kind of just wasting time trying to find other things to encourage people to spend their money on. But here's the kicker - most people get lost just with basic stretch goals. Or mistakes on the price of shipping to backers.

Notice if your game has miniatures the "sweet spot" for that is between $60-80 USD... But focus on what your game is about. Not about money.

Lot of people who made money on Kickstarter say that they never made enough...

Your focus should be offering a good game at a reasonable price.

From there you hope that enough people "snowball" such that you reach your goal.

Look at it this way: Would you spend on any of these luxury rewards?

To anything you say YES, well then I would add it. Anything you say NO, well then I would drop it. Just go with what you feel like would interest you. Odds are most of us would feel the same way.

And anyways I think "Meet the Designer" is just code for "I'll take you to my local strip club..." :P lol (Just a joke!)

adversitygames's picture
Joined: 09/02/2014
Soulfinger wrote:iamseph

Soulfinger wrote:
iamseph wrote:
to be blunt: lots of potential for getting stuck in a room with a weirdo for a day, and I don't think I'd knowingly do that for any amount of money, so I'd need to include "I reserve the right to bail out if you get weird"




Man that was spot on, great suggestions!

adversitygames's picture
Joined: 09/02/2014
ElKobold wrote:From what I've

ElKobold wrote:
From what I've seen they only make sense in campaigns which are already massively popular.

I.e. I wouldn't bother with adding those until you fund.

iamseph wrote:
For example custom-designed miniatures. The problem here is, the overhead cost for getting them designed and getting the mould is big (I don't actually know how big, anyone know how much it takes to design a 25/28mm mini? at GW-level detail?)

~500 EUR for the model + ~5000 EUR for the tool (unless you can stick it in the existing one).

the 500 EUR is to pay the designer to design the original right?

but I don't know what you mean by "the tool"? the mould?

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