Web sites are Hell for angry old men like me!
I posted this in the Publication section because Publishing and sales go hand in hand; but, you guys really don't spend time a sales strategy. From my point of view that problem is the funniest game of all. In this day and age computers seem to be an important part of that game. With the Web Page at the forefront.
I never needed a computers, for almost 50 years. I am up to typing with 4 fingers now. for the last 1 1/2 years it was 2 fingers all the way. (Can't wait till I can use my thumbs like a proper primate).
I see that most of you fellows have web sites. And some of them look darn fun. Mine looks like the back corner of a stall.
This is what I want to know:
How do you do it!!!!
Look at mine and tell me what you think is wrong. (please note it is being rebuilt)
These are problems as I see it:
1) Computer guys don't grow on trees around here.( North West Montana)
2)I have spent over 5k and went through several of the few computer guys we have for lots of 1/2 done work. (I now have another so this is to help me instruct him.)
3) can't get the blog and forum to stay off the site, They just keep showing up from time to time.
4) Advertise,Advertise,Advertise! It works in the real world but does not seem to here...so far this season we got 1000s of hits and make a sale 1 time out of 254. this all costs lots of money. For every 100,000k impressions we get a single hit. bounce rate around 50% range. most adds are on google and facebook.
It is also a good way to look at games from a marketing point of view. Because this form of communication is not going away anytime soon. Problem... I sell well in person, but this is all too new to me.
The reason for the site is to; sell a product, Show a little about other products coming up, tridagam Mission Statement , Show Tutorials.
1)What do you like to see?
2)What gets your eye, your heart...your interests?
3)Does the product work with the site? why?
4)Some of you have a register and logins Why?
5)I don't like the wholesale system...is there a better way?
6)On the forum and blog sections...Do I X them out? many sites have them but they stand empty...some one told me about linking stuff...can sites like this be linked to it and X out the blog and Forum on my site? if so how or who can do that?
~This is what we keep above the office door~
We are in Business to make money. Without money nothing else truly takes place. Money may not make the world go round; But, it does make an excellent lubricant.
Type in "Tigele" or http://www.tridagam.com/ (How do you guys turn these things onto buttons like you do?)
Please forget the button thing at the end...It seems to have done the blue thing on it's own even though it was not like that in the preview...way to cool!