I didn't post this topic thinking I would get a ton of responses ... Instead I'd be happy with a few comments from our regulars (what are their thoughts on a matter which is of importance to me).
I know the "Monetary" value that I have for the Pack is $14.99 USD (MSRP). And if you do the direct math, it's about $1.00 USD per card. I'm planning over the next couple days to "re-work" the distribution. Like previously I had a value of "3" which meant each Deck would get "3" of these cards. No longer is that accurate, because of probabilities ... "3" is not necessarily the same odds as "uncommon" and "rare" cards in the same "series".
What is the "Perceived" value of such a Pack??? What I mean is from a "market" perspective what do you think such a Pack will be worth. Are there some RULES for this? Like for every "common" card, an "uncommon" is worth 2x and a "rare" is worth 4x?! Have any of you had experience tinkering with this???
If a "rare" is worth 4x, that means that means the Deck could be worth $57.00 USD (14 x 4 + 1 = 57).
This doesn't seem ABNORMAL to me. You're paying more than a Magic pack which is about $4.99 to $7.99 USD. But at the same time, you're getting much better odds of getting "more valued" content.
Anyone have any thoughts about this??? Would really like to get some opinions from our "regulars"... Because many of you have played Magic and have insight into the aftermarket that I do not... Even at a general level.
Please feel free to post/share your impressions and thoughts. Thanks.
Note #1: And I know $14.99 USD (MSRP) is a bit high. But I will selling those SAME packs for $9.99 USD (33% off) during the KS. So it will be very worthwhile to buy a few "extra" packs just for the heck of it... If you have a couple "bucks" available to spend (at that time).
Again ... I'm just saying what current plans are. Offering the KS Backers a discount is certainly of "value" to them and IF you can get off with a $57 Pack ... Well then congrats to you. Listen, I don't have average price per booster (with the card distribution, etc.) but what I have seen is games in the $12.99 USD range for a product which "calls itself a game". So a bit more pricey (MSRP) and more affordable (KS).
I'm am definitely in the AFFORDABLE range for the KS because it is DIRECT SALES and I can afford to lower the price. It's afterwards when I am selling to STORES where the price difference is more significant because of the HIGHER COSTS to production (and the 50% retail markup).
Note #2: Ergo the discussion about what to do with a product that has too little of a COST-to-RETAIL margin. The conclusion was to sell ONLINE via Amazon.com or private website... And then I could maintain the lower of the two price points. Moot point for sure.
Note #3: If the cards had an option for a FOIL "common", that would of course increase the value greatly of the cards. So one (1) "common foil" per pack as an extra "incentive". Right now this is NOT possible, I'm just thinking ahead and wondering since I heard some "non-definite" news that FOILS were on the TODO list... And might be explored in the not-too-distant future.
If this DOES happen ... Well that would be a SUPER addition. Obviously a per "card" option is what you would be looking for... Not all cards only one (1) in my version of "excitement in a pack"! lol
In that case, you would "strictly" speaking want the "improved" Game Tiles for future purposes (in several cases). Because they serve a "function". Let me explain.
A "rare" Game Tile builds upon this and modifies one of other STATs (for example). So, this is all about the STATs of the Game Tiles with slight, small variations sometimes making the Game Tile more potent.
So first the idea is that ALL Game Tiles have a "common", "uncommon" and "rare" version. Like I explained above, the Game Tiles have the EXACT same art ... It's just the STATs (or PATH) that is different "slightly".
For the most part, most Game Tiles are strong enough to conquer their opponents (on their own). But some Game Tiles need a BOOST (Ex-P Crystals). This is when a conquering player earns "Experience" Crystals. That player can then "unlock" BONUS abilities like a "+2 Attack" AND a "+1 Loot" (as one example). Other abilities require two (2) "Experience" and have a "+1 Defense" unlocked and then "+1 Loot" subsequently unlocked.
These STATs are "selectable". And serve as a way to IMPROVE the effectiveness of the Game Tile in question. But remember that for the most part, MOST Game Tiles are sufficiently effective enough against each other that they can conquer each other WITHOUT "Experience". Like I said I think there are only three (3) WEAKER Game Tiles that need a boost to be "competitive".
So, HOW MANY "rare" Game Tiles are there? As many "common" Game Tiles. In this first edition that would mean FIFTEEN (15) unique Game Tiles. And there would then be fifteen (15) "rare" Game Tiles you could have... But remember you can have duplicates of any Game Tile. So, your twelve (12) Game Tile Micro Deck could have TWELVE (12) "rare" Game Tiles!
The "rare" Game Tiles will hold themselves BETTER against future Game Tiles who could have STRONGER "Defense" and require HIGHER "Attack". The "Loot" is mostly how you collect Crystals to WIN the game. So, MORE Crystals means that a player can collect MORE FASTER and potentially WIN EARLIER. Generally speaking you want MORE LOOT. But not if it means compromising with lower "Defense" or "Attack".
Each Game Tile has a matching "rare" version ... Which means that there are 3x the amount of Game Tiles to collect (or 45 in the First Release).
It's not an overwhelming amount ... But enough to encourage some chasing of Game Tiles... I'm not going to say a person will buy 100 Packs. But he may buy 4 or 5 more (for example).
Anything else I can explain or add to improve your understanding???