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Plastic vs Paper playing cards

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Joined: 01/28/2017

hey - question for people...

We have an interesting quote from a manufacturer which is making me consider plastic playing cards as an option but I'm not sure if there is a general preference here...So I thought I'd ask!

I know some of the pros and cons but would love to hear any opinions and rationale.

This would be for a 20 minute 2 player game with a deck of 72 cards.



Kohlstech's picture
Joined: 11/03/2017
Price Difference


When i play games with paper cards i will always sleeve them,so there is some additional cost.
This helps also when i am prototyping to use different color sleeves for different deck types.

My question to you what is the Price Difference between the paper verses the Plastic cards.

Joined: 01/28/2017
It depends on the

It depends on the manufacturer in all honesty. We've just had quotes back from European and Chinese manufacturers and they vary wildly (also on quantity ordered)

I do have one quote tho from a company which does only plastic cards and at a certain quantity ordered (2000 units) they are comparable to black core card pricing of the same units.

So if price wasn't the issue which would you prefer?

Kohlstech's picture
Joined: 11/03/2017
My Prefrence


My preference is for Paper as i use sleeves, so if the game is played a lot and starts getting grubby i just Re sleeve,but with plastic cards if they grubby
you have to wipe/wash them.
So then comes the question what if i sleeve the plastic cards.
I also feel plastic cards are also slightly heavier,and more rigid when holding in you hand.
To verify when you say plastic,you are referring to the thin all plastic cards.
Because there is also Linen finish.

Joined: 01/28/2017
I'm talking about all plastic

I'm talking about all plastic cards vs paper (black or other core, normal or linen finish)

Personally I like paper, blackcore and linen depending on the style of cards. Its got an organic feel that doesn't suit every design. BUT plastic would be very hardwearing and I know after testing with a prototype at a convention the cards get a battering

Kohlstech's picture
Joined: 11/03/2017
All Plastic

Yes All plastic are very hard wearing,and would survive an accidental Drinks spillage.

When new dealing the cards can be on the slippy side.

Plastic: Cost More To Make, Last longer.
Paper: Cheaper to make,More money in Re-sales.

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