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Recommended age range for an easy terror game

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Joined: 07/27/2008


I've designed a simple push-your-luck terror game. It can be perfectly played by children aged 8 and up as it is very easy to learn and there is no math involved. But as it is a terror game I'm thinking about raising the minimum age to 12.

The game is not scary at all. It's just a very tense game. Strange creatures try to hunt you down in a dungeon. However, there is a scary picture of the creature in one of the cards.

Should I say '12 and up' or '8 and up'?

(think 'arkham horror' but simpler)

Thank you.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

Maybe you could have two versions of the game: one horror-themed (12 and up), and another with some humor instead of horror (8 an up).

Children love friendly and humorous monsters, and if the mechanics work well for younger audiences, you could cover that market share with the "children" version, while aiming at the young-adult and general gamer market with the horror-themed version.

I know that means producing two games instead of one, but at least you don't need to design two games to have two games in the market, and grown ups who like the horror one might be willing to buy the other one for their children.

ttgames's picture
Joined: 12/09/2008
Monsters Ball

I agree, but personally I think the Childrens version only would be a better start. Save the more grown up version for now.


Joined: 07/27/2008
The problem

seo wrote:
Maybe you could have two versions

The problem is that the minimum print run is 500. So with 2 versions it will be 1000.

The original design allowed several versions and languages, as it is printed on demand. But the actual CPSIA law just breaks the entire project and I must produce the whole game with a manufacturer.

Moreover, the theme is soooo cool I can't imagine the game without it.

Maybe I can rate it '8 and up' and make it less scary. What do you think?

InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008
Three ideas...

coco wrote:
The game is not scary at all. It's just a very tense game. Strange creatures try to hunt you down in a dungeon. However, there is a scary picture of the creature in one of the cards.
Three ideas:

1) If its just the art on one card that's making you think it's too intense, change the art on that card.

2) Market it to 8+, but promote it as an educational tool for parents to use/play with their young children. It's a tool that helps them understand how to deal with fear, pressure, and stress; how to confront it constructively.

3) If the art is all 8+ safe, but it's just the theme / feel of the game, make two rule sets. One for 8+, and one for 12+.

Best of luck!

Joined: 01/21/2009

In my experience, nobody reads the minimum ages on a game box, and little kids LOVE being scared. Really, really love it. Ghost stories, cartoon villains, all of it. Being scared really entertains kids of that age. I wouldn't worry about it.

EDIT: I forgot that parents can be freaks about this sort of thing. The packaging should be more innocent than the game.

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