To begin with, I should apologize for my terrible English: I'm Lithuanian, I speak and write in Lithuanian and Russian; however, English is a bit of trouble for me.
I would like to ask two general questions on game publication, and I will be grateful if someone provides the answers.
1) I have designed a game. I play-tested it numerous times and it works just fine. It's a simple and fun dice game - a little bit random, but it's fast and agressive and it has, in playtesters' opinion, catchy "Take this!" mechanism. I've written the rules in English, and though some minor corrections (especially grammatical) need be made; the game is pretty much fully developed. I am currently designing the sell sheet for possible publishers. Also, however optimistically delirious this statement may sound, I think that the game would sell good. The real problem is - this game is based on a famous movie franchise. Thus I would like to ask: which publisher(s) would agree to take on a game which is already based on a licensed product and overcome the difficulties of contacting the film corporation – or shall I try to contact the corporation directly?
2) I’m a citizen of Lithuania. I live in Vilnius. Sure, my motherland is a part of the EU, but doubtlessly it’s not a part of the UK or the US. Is there still any hope in offering my games to the American and British publishers, bearing in mind the fact I live abroad, or is my case lost from the very start?
I Thank You for Your kind attention.
I'm grateful for Your kind and plentiful advice. People are incredibly helpful and friendly here. To answer Markus' question, I'm talking about "A Nightmare on Elm Street" franchise. I've posted the rules on several fans' forums; however, I feel that this particular dice game would be more successful published than in "Print and play" format. Also, as I have already stated, a few corrections need to be made, but overall the rules are finished, play-tested and ready for blind play-testing. Maybe I should share it with people on these boards?