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What makes an awesome overview video?

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harmon89's picture
Joined: 01/13/2016

I'm gearing up for a Kickstarter campaign late this fall. Currently I'm thinking through my intro video that will introduce people to the game. Below I've attached my most recent version. It is a difficult balancing act. How much time do you spend on the theme vs. gameplay? You want to give people a general idea of how to play, but you don't have time, nor do you want to bog the video down with too many details. Or do you?

I've tried to watch several different intro videos, and each one seems to take a slightly different approach.

What kind of intro/overview video do you enjoy watching?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I think...

You hit it "Out of the Ballpark"!!! Not too fluffy, some game play explanation, some look at the graphics, some of the multiplayer challenges, etc.

Personally I think you did a REAL GREAT JOB!

But... (and there is always a but)

For a Gameplay video, it is not enough. For a Kickstarter Introductory video, it's FANTASTIC. But a Gameplay video needs to be more in depth, show how a turn is played (we get it you move around - but HOW??) -- from this video we don't know if a player has "Action Points" or "Rolls Dice" to do the simplest thing which is moving around the board.

Typically a Gameplay video will show a WHOLE TURN for one player and then state important things to consider which may ALTER the turn such as "combat" (Not in this game - but an example)...

So GREAT JOB, maybe you can reach out to "Board To" they can make you a video for about couple hundred bucks. Here is Giancarlo's e-mail:

E-mail =

We were very pleased with our Gameplay video... Came out super.

But you might have the resources to make your OWN "Gameplay" video. So whatever works best - just figured I'd share a link/crew we used for "TradeWorlds"...

Cheers and keep up the great work!

harmon89's picture
Joined: 01/13/2016
Thanks for your comment! I

Thanks for your comment! I very much appreciate the encouragement and support.

My plan is to at least create one more video, which would be as you suggest, a gameplay video.

Do you have a link to the video baordgamedeathtv created for your game? I will likely create my own, but it is good to know all my options.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Yes - here is the link...

It was for a Kickstarter Preview... So we also got some advertising to potential buyers via their website and YouTube followers. So you get "More Bang for your Buck" since you also get some advertising.

I've met Giancarlo in person at the Comic Con where he was advertising his game store (FLGS) "Chez Geeks"...

Note: He and his crew are also supposed to be going down to Gen Con too! Found that out while talking with him. Just as an FYI if you want to contact him there (at the Con)...

Super-Tooned's picture
Joined: 07/10/2017
For your video.

Don't change a thing. I like it.


Joined: 04/08/2012
I concur...

I , to have watched your video and I concur with SuperTooned.
Keep it the way it is. No doubt for the movement phases are in the your rule book. Great job on your video.

Independent Game Studio / Team Dymino Monsters

MAR's picture
Joined: 04/23/2017
Portals and Prophets

I must agree with the others- this is a nice video. You balanced the "thematic" elements with the game play perfectly. I like game play and components in videos myself- and you displayed it perfectly! Also, your explanation of the rules throughout the video was good. The video really gives you the time travel/history/relaxing fun game feel to me. Nice job, I'm looking forward to the game :)


harmon89's picture
Joined: 01/13/2016
Very nice! I'll keep them in

Very nice! I'll keep them in mind. :-)

And thanks everyone for the kind words. It means a lot.

The game does use action points to move on the board and in an earlier version of the overview video I included that detail, but I decided maybe I'd save that for the gameplay video and keep things general for now.

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