I'm gearing up for a Kickstarter campaign late this fall. Currently I'm thinking through my intro video that will introduce people to the game. Below I've attached my most recent version. It is a difficult balancing act. How much time do you spend on the theme vs. gameplay? You want to give people a general idea of how to play, but you don't have time, nor do you want to bog the video down with too many details. Or do you?
I've tried to watch several different intro videos, and each one seems to take a slightly different approach.
What kind of intro/overview video do you enjoy watching?
Thanks for your comment! I very much appreciate the encouragement and support.
My plan is to at least create one more video, which would be as you suggest, a gameplay video.
Do you have a link to the video baordgamedeathtv created for your game? I will likely create my own, but it is good to know all my options.