I’m trying to find a fitting theme for a game where each player has a leader character who ha so specific goal unique to that character, but also they can win the game by defeating the enemy leaders. Also there are other characters on the leader’s team that help them achieve their goal or help them defeat the enemy leaders.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
The game requires something that can involve combat as it involves players being able to attack and defend attacks with their characters. Otherwise it is pretty wide open as far as possibilities go. Some examples of the types of victory conditions involved include.
If this character destroys 3 or more enemy characters, you win the game.
If supporting characters you control don't have damage, put a progress token on this leader. Then, if it has 3 or more progress tokens, you win the game.
If you have no cards in your deck you win the game.
And to be clear as well, it is a card game.