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Finalists Announced for "That Cool Stock Part Challenge" at The Game Crafter

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The Game Crafter
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Joined: 06/09/2009

Shiny Pigeon Games and Small Furry Games have selected the finalists for "That Cool Stock Part Challenge" at The Game Crafter.


(listed alphabetically)

  • Anklyo Apocalypse by Once Upon a Game
  • Crab Surfers by Craig Carpenter
  • Gemstone by Jetan Games
  • Inspectors and Crooks by Timothy Schoeneberg
  • Oh No! Gerrymandering by John and Philip Erikson
  • Skarlybones by GrayeSmith
  • Spillbound by Reed Ambrose


(Judges wish to mention for innovation, elegance, presentation, or other "wow" factors)

  • Chessquerade by Richard (Rick) G. Freedman
  • Danumo by Reach Out Games Inc.
  • Flight of the Sandshee by Allen Lamb
  • Frogcala by MasterMind Games
  • Illusions by Estee R
  • Jealy Jellies: Sea Greed by Russell Games
  • Lorna Hex and the Haunted, Magical Cave of Zudora! by AdamTwelve
  • Memory Block by M.a.C Games
  • UFOs - Supernova Escape by Bad Rule Games
  • XO planet by FiksuFox

Direct links to all of the finalists and honorable mention games are available on the contest page at That cool stock part challenge.

A summary of scoring and comments from the judges can be found at the following link: Scoring and Comments.

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