So I'm very new to designing boardgames - working on my first one at the moment but I am starting to form a process so I thought I'd share. Hopefully some of the grizzled old veterans out there can guide a noob like myself around easier ways, pitfalls - or just tell me about different ways.
Stage 1 - compile a list of themed comments. This is literally just a set of notes of things that I think are important to the game and that come up randomly as I walk about.
Stage 2 - write the game sequence in a google doc. This is typically balanced to what I want the players to spend the most time in the game doing. Eg its no good if I write a trading game and most of the time is spent moving around the board, or spent doing things as an individual - it should be about the interaction.
Stage 3 - define the draft components - how many and what they need to do. Eg if cards, then they might have stats, artwork, text. All goes into another tab on the google doc.
Stage 4 - Look at where I can simplify unnecessary complexity - do a pass through the doc
Stage 5 - cost up on Gamecrafter to see if its financially viable (roughly) and keep thinking about where I can simplify.
Stage 6 - handwritten prototype using blank counters, dice. Playtest this with my co designer and anyone who visits who is nice enough to agree. Scribble on cards/update google doc with tweaks.
Stage 7 - find artist and define artwork needs - minimum to play and game to be acceptable, minimum for kickstarter, maximum I'd like if the artist was free or I had all the money in the world.
Stage 8 - rough prototype using printed cards, counters with permanent marker. Playtest this with my codesigner and set up blind tests.
Stage 9 - Review feedback and final tweaks
Stage 10 - Artwork - minimum level for kickstarter commissioned
Stage 11 - Kick off Kickstarter
I've stopped at Stage 11 as I'm only at Stage 8 at the moment so just learning about later stages
How do you design?