I was wondering if there are any good examples of non language dependent iconography for complex ideas such as...
"You are only able to store items of a like type here."
"You may not have more than a certain amount stored."
"Remove up to all items stored for bonus movement, per item removed."
"You may only do this after doing this..."
If folks know of complex ideas in iconography please post images and explanations of what the iconography means in this tread. I know 7 Wonders and Race for the Galaxy have pretty complex iconography, but you pretty much always have to give new players the rules for them to understand what they mean. I'm wanting to avoid that.
If anyone knows of a good repository for board game iconography I would love a link.
Here are a few links I dug up with some good info...
Suburbia Iconography
In Praise of Good Iconography BBG Thread
When to use iconography BGG Thread
Here is another good site for generic icons for use in prototypes. Not really much here for complex iconography dealing with mechanics, but good theme related icons.