A core concept (or mechanic) common to almost every game design are victory/end game conditions. These victory/end game conditions define some type of goal for a player to achieve (or avoid in the case of loss conditions).
The goal of this Topic in Game Design is to openly discuss the pros, the cons and just general information about multiple end game/victory conditions.
To get the discussion started here are a few general questions:
Do you, as a designer, often consider adding in multiple victory/end game conditions? How do you normally reach the point of having multiple victory/end game conditions in your design?
Do you, as a game player, enjoy games that offer multiple victory/end game conditions?
What do multiple victory/end game conditions add to a game? tension? strategies? depth? choices? ...?
Are multiple victory/end game conditions worth the effort when attempting to design a game?
What games do a decent job at implementing and supporting multiple victory/end game conditions?
Liberte and King of Siam do a great job with implementing multiple, competing, victory conditions.
Tribune is also another game that makes good use of multiple victory conditions. So do these games benefit from the use of these multiple victory conditions? Do the multiple victory conditions *better* these games? (would they be less of a game if they had single victory conditions?)
Do games that contain multiple victory conditions give players a feeling of I can *do more* or *have choices*?
And lastly, what intrigues me most is do games that involve multiple victory conditions, have more appeal to players? Or do victory conditions (single or multiple) not matter to players?