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Extensive Boardgaming Conventions Guide to Cons in the USA (400+ listings)

6 replies [Last post]
Joined: 02/09/2014

We hope you find this hyperlinked e-catalog valuable (above). It contains most of the boardgaming conventions being held this year and on...

It will be free on Amazon Kindle tomorrow (Starting around midnight tonight PT) because they are running a promotion on it.

400+ conventions organized by state.

Joined: 01/30/2014
What about Canada?

Awww I hope somebody assembles something like this for Canada! D:

Joined: 02/09/2014
We will try to add Canada

We will try to add Canada next year to the Guide. We will see how this year goes! :-)

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
PDF version

I guess because it is supposed to be a "selling" product, there is no PDF version? Is this only for Kindle?

I just clicked on the "See Inside" and the contents is States followed by HTTP links to various conventions...

I think you could ADD more VALUE to the product by providing brief synopsis of each convention. It could add some *meat* to the product. And this way people would not need to use every link in the book to figure out if they are interested by the convention... All they would need to do is read the synopsis and say: "Hmm... Is this a convention that I would like to go to?"

Hunter's picture
Joined: 11/18/2013
Thanks for the link!

Thanks for the link! Definitely a useful resource.

I'd also agree that fleshing it out a little with descriptions could be a strong addition. And don't worry, I've got more unsolicited advice! I feel like this would be most useful / profitable in website form. If you had, for instance, a description of each con, a way for people to leave ratings or comments about each, maybe searchable by keyword for the types of games each is interested in. Even a more or less out-of-box solution like YooTheme's Zoo would be enough to get all the functionality I've mentioned, and at a fairly low cost.

You could monetize it with ads, or if it's too low traffic for that to help, maybe reach out & try to sell ad space to the cons once you've got the site together. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to be able to target the exact people they want to reach.

Anyhow, thanks for the resource!

Joined: 02/09/2014
All good and useful comments

All good and useful comments and I appreciate them. We will try to follow up and develop it more for next year. This year is kind of a test to see if folks are interested in such a guide. If it gets enough attention then we will definitely develop it into a full blown item as you all have indicated.


Joined: 02/09/2014
Right now this is only

Right now this is only available in Kindle, we might expand that in the future. :-)

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