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How to build a Kickstarter Page LIVE!

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KeeperoftheGate's picture
Joined: 06/19/2013

Greetings, BGDF friends!

We at Gate Keeper Games have decided to "Put our motto where our mouth is" and take our Motto of "This is your game" to the next level.

Now... "This is your CAMPAIGN!" - Join with us as we build a Kickstarter Campaign Page from scratch, 100% in the public eye, in only 7 days!

Yes, I'm serious. : D

Watch, learn, vote, comment, and help both the PRICING and the DESIGN!

It's going to be a great experience for everyone! And by all means, spread the word.

Enter here:
Share: everywhere.

Best to all,

John Wrot!
President of Gate Keeper Games

KeeperoftheGate's picture
Joined: 06/19/2013

I should add that this is about YOU! And your opportunity to learn.
If you want advice or an insider look at what it takes to build a Kickstarter, this is your chance, and from scratch!

It's the next step in our Kickstarter Advice Columns that have recently be discussed on these forums, as well as in Jamey Stegmaier's book, and that can be found here:

Watch, learn, fund your own game!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I'd like to hear about SHIPPING costs

I'd really like for my campaign to be "World-Friendly"... But I'm finding that this is really not feasible.

I just sent two (2) prototype boxes (half the size) and it would have cost me $50.00 to send them with "tracking". They were being sent to Mexico. Now Mexicans are still North Americans and the price is - like International...

On a 2 Player $65.00 game - who is going to pay an additional $50.00 for shipping?!?!

For my prototypes, I chose Air Mail, but no tracking. It cost me $20.00 for two (2) game sets. Now for reviewers it's not that big of a deal - but for actual BACKERS - how can you ship without tracking?!?!

Should I just forget about the "rest of the world" and only ship to the USA & Canada???

Your input, John, would be much appreciated...

KeeperoftheGate's picture
Joined: 06/19/2013
"World" friendly is hard to

"World" friendly is hard to guarantee, but Shipnaked promises it. To do what they propose I imagine freight shipping has gotta be a fortune (splitting to so many locations), but they promise it.
(Bearing in mind "friendly" means no-VAT. "CHEAP" to the world is a diff story. How big is the game?)

Sending world-wide without tracking is acceptable. It's not ideal, but it's acceptable. You'll only lose a few packages, and even with tracking... there's no promise of getting it back (I lost 5, bye bye - tracking was help).

You should def ship to the whole world and do the best you can. EU friendly is a cake-walk these days. It's honestly nothing special anymore; thus if you don't offer it, it's a bad sign.

I hope I've helped. Sorry for short answers, very busy with the project page! : )


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