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Let's HELP "SCRAMBO" on BGG!!!

16 replies [Last post]
questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Hello BGDF members,

One of our own BGDF member "Chris Mancini" is currently Kickstarting his game "Scrambo", the dice game of Quick Thinking Categories...

As a BGDF member, we're asking YOU for your help to promote the campaign...

For all "Board Game Geek" (BGG) members, please take the time to "Thumb Up" this thread concerning the game:

It's FREE to do and will hopefully generate Chris some "Hotness" he needs with his KS campaign.

We should be able to get AT LEAST 100 "Thumbs Up" and help Chris by showing support for his KS campaign.

Thank you for your "Thumbs Up",

Aka QuestCCG
"Indie" Game Designer
BGDF Moderator - Publisher List

chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
Wow Kris this is really too

Wow Kris this is really too kind of you...thank you!

Thanks to all who have helped or will consider helping make this game a reality!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Well I know how expensive marketing is...

Getting 100 "Thumbs up" to a thread for SCRAMBO might put the game in the "Hotness" category (maybe towards the bottom - never the less it's more visibility)... You definitely don't want to SPEND $500 for 1,000 impressions unless your KS has made sufficient money to cover that marketing...

Arty did it, but he also almost got a cool $60,000 in funding. So he had the money to "gamble" with and no doubt he probably got more backers thanks to it (the BGG marketing). He also used KickTraq too... but that was like in Week #2 of his campaign when he already had a significant amount of funds from backers.

Still hoping people all decide to give it a "Thumbs up"... It doesn't cost anything and it could prove to be some "FREE" Advertising (where have you seen that ever before?!) ... that could help get some more backers (on BGG or KS).

Anyhow let's hope more people "Thumb up" and more KS backers are made from that...


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
We "all" talk about this "community"

And so it's great to see we had a SURGE of BGDF members vote on 2018 Top 20... That was awesome, even if we ended up in position #47 in the Sci-Fi Category.

But still there are many lurkers, passing designers who were active and are no longer active... I'd like to see this "community" rally together and collectively "stand up" for it's members.

And it's really a simple and easy gesture: a "Thumbs Up". It means you concur that your fellow BGDF designer deserves to get his/her game published (and sometimes even Self-Published ... which is 100x harder!)

So now we wait ... and see how many people are "active" on BGDF that also have a BGG account. By my estimates in the "active" community, there has got to be at least 100 members, no? We shall see...


MAR's picture
Joined: 04/23/2017

I gladly thumbed up the BGG thread and will keep this one alive as well. Scrambo promises to be a fun and exciting game that we can't wait to play. I was just showing the video to some friends this weekend and will post on our facebook tomorrow (granted we have a small following and will likely be little help). You never know every bit helps! Good luck Chris!

Joined: 12/19/2017
You got my thumbs up! Hope

You got my thumbs up! Hope it helps get the page more views.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
I think, I thumbed up the thread.

It went from 4 to 5 now.

Good luck with SCRAMBO!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
To all you "lurkers"

We get hundred's of visitors to this website each and every day. So a bunch of you are "lurkers" that may have a BGG account. If you do have a BGG account consider voting the thread (in the Original Post = Top message).

We want to attract people to "SCRAMBO" without spending very real $$$ with regards to BGG marketing. It is never the less very expensive.

So we can try the "grassroots" method and try to get a topic HOT and maybe then "SCRAMBO" might get some much needed attention from other BGG members who might become KS Backers or just spread the word about the game.


let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011

I "thumbed up" both the thread and questccg's comment... I'm unfamiliar with the BGG forum, honestly, and I didn't know which was which. :)

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Good to know


While I'm no expert on the myriad activities and aspects of BGG's site, if you're out here, you have a desire to craft board games. It is definitely in your best interest to get to know BGG and how it works. The long and short of it is, if you have a game and it's not on BGG, it might as well not exist.


MAR's picture
Joined: 04/23/2017

Alright lurkers, its time to get out there and show some support for Scrambo! Lets try to get another push going here, Chris needs our support. Thanks for helping out and for supporting each other. That's one thing that is really unique here and that is how helpful and supporting the community really is.


Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018

Not to thread jack too much, but has anyone here paid for bgg advertising? It’s pricey, but..

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Wishful thinking

Jay103 wrote:
Not to thread jack too much, but has anyone here paid for bgg advertising? It’s pricey, but..

You only want to spend money IF your campaign is treading along. So if you reach your goal "early" you can afford to spend the ridiculous amount of money for BGG impressions. Same goes for KickTraq. You'll probably want to do both like @Arty did with "Warp Gate". But he nearly made $60k with his KS campaign... So with extra funds, come extra expenses and more backers.

I think what @Chris is missing is "Social Goals". Things like BGG likes, BGG Fans, Image likes, FB Shares, Tweets, etc. All that social part of the campaign is *missing*. And without all that extra stuff, the viral word of mouth is not present... So nobody is Backing. He may still reach his $10k goal, he's only about 1/3 off from funding...

But his anticipation of 500-750 backers was way too "optimistic". My bet is he'll be fortunate to hit 200 backers and reach his funding goal. That is my prediction.

The important part is "funding" ... the rest is all hopeful thinking...

chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
Admittedly, social is one of

Admittedly, social is one of my weaker points...I post regularly on FB, but Twitter and Instagram are non-existent. I just feel that those platforms need content so often that I find it hard to use them meaningfully. Something that would behoove me to get past I suppose, but I've never really used them personally.

I think you're right Kris; just reaching the goal is likely the best result, and I'm fine with that. It will get the game made, and I can push on from there with my excess inventory.

A podcast I appeared on was just posted, and a video webcast will be coming soon too...those should be big marketing tools to help me bump up the backers. I'll post these here separately!

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
Me too.. I'm going to have

Me too..

I'm going to have trouble with social media. I'm trying to get a webpage up ahead of time to gather emails and have a refer-a-friend mechanism to get the viral aspect of the marketing going. Within a week or two I hope.

MAR's picture
Joined: 04/23/2017
Social Media

Crowd building is where we are at too, and it is definitely my weakest point. I can play games and designs them and that's all well and good. Marketing, advertising, and crowd building are the mysteries that are key to success that I struggle with. Please let me know if you come up with any good tips or tricks that might help.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
It's actually pretty "simple"

You need to START "somewhere". And normally that's at 0 Backers. If you don't have a big circle of friends or they are not interested in tabletop games... well you're an "unknown" Game Designer. Your name is not attached to any games "out there" in the real world.

So naturally if you crowdfund with this labeling (an "unknown") you can expect to get 100 to 250 backers. But I've seen some designers go up to about 450 Backers and they too were first time designer. But what they did is a real great job in Social Media DURING their campaign. So there was a bit of a viral effect which led them to over 400+ Backers.

How to do better? Well the only option you have is to "partner" with a Publisher that does crowdfunding. Then they probably have a "pool" of Backers ... 1,000+ Backer to reach out to... Saying: "This is our next BIG game. Have a look."

That is why people say if YOU (as a designer) are going to crowdfund... You are going to become a Publisher. WHY? Because you need to crowdfund SEVERAL games if you expect to be successful. And NATURALLY this is what a Publisher does: they crowdfund games from different designers, trying to grow their brand with a suite of great games.

So another way of looking at it is: it takes MULTIPLE games to become a success. Either work WITH a Publisher who already is successful or become your own Publisher if you think you have enough content to drive traffic to each one of your games.

Not very complicated in the end...

Note: Everyone looks at Jamey Stegmaier and "hope" to be as successful. Well the truth is Jamey has designed over 5+ games along with expansions for several of them. So even for Jamey it was a "progression" from Viticulture to Charterstone. It all didn't happen overnight. It's taken him years to be successful...

Plus he works hard too... It's now his full-time job.

So remember that with each game, you hope to INCREASE your pool of backers. And if you are working with a Publisher, they are trying to increase their pool which is ultimately good for you as a designer if you have a working relationship with them.

Nothing about it is "special" or "unique". Sure there may have been a question of timing ... but even today, good games get sold (on KS). You just have to understand the REALITY about it... It's not instantaneous, it takes time and several games to be successful.

Admittedly there are exceptions like "Exploding Kittens" -- but they started with a HUGE FAN BASE. So with so many fans and probably a big mailing list... And some viral marketing too... That too is not a question of overnight success. Matthew Inman is a well known artist and had that fan base to make the game a "instant" success. The TRUTH is that he's been growing that fan base for YEARS too! So again it wasn't an instant success.

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