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Loot Quest Kickstarter Launched!

6 replies [Last post]
lootquest's picture
Joined: 04/21/2016

Hey all! My new tabletop boardgame Loot Quest has just launched on Kickstarter.

Loot Quest is a family-friendly table-top board game for 2-6 Players, ages 8+. Players use the dice to move around the board, taking on Quests as they go. Quests are small stories, often involving choices for the Player to make.

But Players must beware...lurking on the board are Monsters who are just waiting for a snack! Monster Cards are ferocious beasts which can cause Players to Lose Turns, move back spaces, and many other nasty effects! The closer the Player gets to the goal, the stronger the Monsters become!

But Players can fight back! For a bit of Gold, they can purchase Item Cards. Items allow Players to change how the Game plays. Potion of Might cards can make the Player more Powerful for a Turn, while Flask of Agility allows them to Add to a dice roll. But Items aren't just for helping. The other Players are out for victory, too! Items can also be used to force other Players to Lose Turns, or fight a Monster, or to re-roll a dice roll!

Check out the campaign at the link below, and let me know what you think!

The rule booklet is available at:

Thanks in advance!


harmon89's picture
Joined: 01/13/2016
Looks pretty cool!

Looks pretty cool!

ElKobold's picture
Joined: 04/10/2015
These cards would make me not

These cards would make me not buy a game.
Specifically - the text on the very bottom.

Neat artwork though.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Starting a NEW meme...

Darude Sandstorm!

Note: I also "backed" your KS for $10.00 ($1 Tier). Cheers!

If anyone asks what I think of their KS... You know the answer! :P

chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
Hmmm I really want to like

Hmmm I really want to like this game, and as all have stated the art is beautiful...but another "roll and move" game where you have to land on a monster space to battle it, and penalties like "lose a turn" and "move back spaces" are an immediate turn-off. I could see a game where a player moves through the entire board an never falls on a monster space. Perhaps unlikely, but possible.

The theme is also VERY generic fantasy, with the red-bearded dwarf wielding an axe on his way to steal the dragon's gold, etc. Some may like how familiar this feels, but for gamers like myself, something that feels more fresh would leave a far better impression.

Now, this is clearly a family game as you stated designed to introduce kids to the fantasy genre. The familiarity of roll-and-move may help a little here, but it certainly takes away from the parts of your game which are more unique.

This is not intended to beat up on your game, and I feel confident that you'll reach your $8K goal. I'm just giving my opinion as I evaluate the game as whether or not I'd like to buy and play it.

A great example of a simple yet rich and original fantasy game for families is Heldentaufe:

This would be my benchmark for designing a fantasy-themed family game.

lootquest's picture
Joined: 04/21/2016

Hey guys--

Thanks for the responses. Some of the generic elements were intentional exactly for the reasons you mentioned: that it is for an introduction to the genre for younger Players. I intended the game to bridge the gap between adult table-top full of complex rules and stats, and simpler board games which rely exclusively on luck and dice rolls. Luck does play a part, but Items are a means to balance things out and keep things exciting. My first two updates address these concerns, and explain in more detail about how the Items and roleplaying elements come into play:

Update 1:

Update 2:

Thanks all!

ElKobold's picture
Joined: 04/10/2015
Ah, one more thing.

Consider black text on white background.
Not the other way around.

And use "simple" font for the card effect's text.

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