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Monster Chef on Indiegogo

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 01/04/2014
Ingredients in Monster Chef

Monster Chef is a fun game for 2-4 players with a cartoonish artwork.
Who's able to complete the best mostrous recipes faster and get more stars from the customers?
Who's getting his secret goal done to get the bonus stars?
Interact with the others, get the best customers before they do and mess with their recipes when your plans aren't taking the right path.

Some copies left for the early bird offer on Indiegogo:

UndeadViking review:

Zodiak Team
Zodiak Team's picture
Joined: 09/09/2012
Your goal seems really low.

Your goal seems really low. How are are you doing your printing and what is the $500 going towards?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
He may be using...

Zodiak Team wrote:
Your goal seems really low. How are are you doing your printing and what is the $500 going towards?

I have seen similar low goal projects and usually it is because they are using one-off production like The Game Crafter (TGC). Basically every game sold via crowd funding is a profit since the total order will be equal to the number of contributors.

Stretch rewards also kick in to help increase the overall amount of contributors to the campaign.

So it all cases it's a win-win once the low goal is met... All you do is make profit and that profit can grow if you get a lot of contributors making it possible to BULK FULFIL your order (again via something like TGC).

That's my guess for the low funding goal!

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