Register for 2011!
Protospiel South 2010 was a huge success. We filled our 66-person room to capacity and had a ton of fun. That's why we're doing it again in 2011! Guarantee your space and help us plan: Register for Protospiel South 2011 today! ( )
Protospiel South 2011
May 28th and 29th
Austin, TX
Friday, May 27: Casual meet 'n greet at a restaurant/bar to be determined.
Saturday, May 28: 9 AM to 10 PM
Sunday: May 29: 9 AM to 10 PM
Location: We'll be at the same hotel we were at last year: The Best Western Atrium North at 7928 Gessner Drive Austin, TX 78753-6506 (Phone: (512) 339-7311) (URL: ). A Burger Tex and a Red Lobster are within walking distance, and many food options are a very short drive away (a sushi place, Carraba's, Souper Salad, etc..), including The Black Star Co-Op - a great local brewery/restaurant.
What's Protospiel South All About?
In the spirit of Protospiel, Protospiel South is a gathering for amateur and established game designers to test and promote nearly-finished game prototypes. The atmosphere is casual, yet everyone is serious about their goals and dreams of publishing games.
Looking for more? You can learn more about Protospiel South ( ), register for Protospiel South ( ) , and discuss Protospiel South with the organizers and other people ( ).
Shameless incentive: At least one Protospiel South 2010 attendee now has his game in the process of being published as a result of attending (Dan Manfredini and Andy Van Zandt are the main actors in this story and know the full details.).
I look forward to seeing y'all there!
Jonathan Leistiko
* Great food,
* Lots of live music,
* Cool places to hang out,
* A great boardgaming scene, and
* very warm Summers
It's a pity you won't be here in time for Protospiel South 2011, but I look forward to seeing you at Protospiel South 2012!