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Rollable d4 Kickstarter

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: 09/27/2011

Hi Everyone,

this is my rollable d4 kickstarter. I am considering changing the numeral to spot dice instead, what do you think ?


3rd Edition Games
Joined: 08/03/2013
I like pips better than numbers!

They are just classier

Captain Nemo
Joined: 05/03/2014
Using a typeface like "Cooper Black"

Dots might be a better choice.

Using a typeface like "Cooper Black" forces a bit of character on to the dice, which could be a good thing for certain gaming situations. While Cooper does have a bit of a fun going feel to it, that could end up limiting your audience. (For example, I would not pair Cooper with some sort of Dragon Slaying game unless the overall visuals were in a cartoony style.) Having dots will make the dice more compatible across the board.

But still Very Nice Dice!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Not comic sans

Comic Sans is a common but not very popular font. You don't see many applications using that font. I would stick away from Comic Sans.

Design-wise I think it's a unique concept - but d6s are much more popular especially custom ones. Perhaps because polyhedral dice are so very costly, you don't see many applications for them. But rolling dice might help people make the switch from d6s to custom d4s - if that's possible.

But I would stick away from rainbows and go with fusion. You should check out for more popular dice.

Everyone I know wants their dice better to represent their end-product. But it's not always possible due to cost.

Chinese molds are pretty good - since I believe some dice only cost $0.01 to produce. In a high volume scenario this is good. You can have a lot of leverage.

Perhaps this should be a play on design - and that might encourage other manufacturers to produce these custom dice.

Not sure how much room there is for negotiation. But like I said the concept is unique! :)

Note: Pips like golden with fusion would be real HOT. It would of course encourage designers to see what can be done with smaller dice..

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