The Kickstarter is live for GOSSIP.
KS Link:
GOSSIP is a game about spreading and quashing rumors at the work place. Players either take on the role of coworkers spreading gossip or coworkers trying to identify the gossip-spreaders before office morale decreases irreparably. The gossip-spreaders - known as gossips - win the game by lowering office morale; the friendlies win the game by correctly identifying all of the gossips.
In addition to playing as either a secret gossip or friendly, players also play as one of five positions in the social fabric of their glorious corporation including: the office flirt, the prankster, the networker, the slacker, or the manager. Each position has unique abilities (except the manager).
Players take turns visiting differet parts of their office - from the water cooler to HR - in an attempt to unearth the gossips (or to remain earthed, if you are a gossip, to secretly lower company morale). Players may go to their cubicles to get gossip; the water cooler to spread gossip; HR to accuse someone of spreading gossip; or their boss’s office to hide from accusations.
Thanks for your honest feedback! I've had mixed reviews on the stretch goal art.
If you don't mind me asking, what about the game compels you to want to just monitor and not go pledge all of your dollars (or 15 of them) right now? Genuine curiosity.