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TradeWorlds: Exterra Edition LIVE DEMO

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

We will be demo-ing "TradeWorlds: Exterra Edition" at the Montreal Comic Con on July 8 and 9.

The event will feature its very OWN "Game Hall" (own room) for people to try the new games of which will be a 2 Player "Prototype" for "TradeWorlds"!!!

I'm super excited with over 60,000 fans ... visiting annually, this will indeed be a premiere event in Montreal.

If you don't want to play -- just come by to say "Hi!"... I will be having business cards with QR Codes to the link for PRE-ORDERS. That's right it's not too late, even though the KS is over, we are still accepting pre-orders of the game to be fulfilled at the same time as the original KS backers.

So if you're IN Montreal on this NEXT weekend, be sure to visit "Le Palais du Congress" and come by our table and have a look at the *NEW* prototype.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
And BTW...

The prototype is SO *NEW* that even I have not seen it YET!!! LOL

That's right -- it just got completed last week and the copy will be mailed to my doorstep, HOPEFULLY just in time for the Comic Con!

Pressure is ON... Hopefully it arrives on time from AdMagic. I'm really counting on the Prototype to arrive!


Joined: 04/08/2012

Congratulations Kristopher. Would love to see video of at least one day or both days of the demo and at least the people after they demoed your game. So cool.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Sorry @Jesse, I don't have the budget for a $300 camera. :(

Even if it would be from the Pawn Shop... Can you imagine that $300 and it's from a Pawn Shop?!?!

Figured I'd look into it since you mentioned it. Figured I could hook myself up with a tripod and a nice camera and just do video.

But it's all too very expensive. Would love to do it... Just run the video and shoot people playing the game.

Again it's still just a PROTOTYPE ... because of all the changes in the game, this version is still considered a 2 Player prototype. I still need to see WHAT exactly I will be getting! <Smirk>

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Finally got the prototype TODAY!

Well I'm pleased that I got the TradeWorlds prototype TODAY... Went through everything ... there is still a lot of effort to be put into this version so that it can be closer to the "final product" but no worries, I will demo it as it is...

I'm only bugged with one (1) card missing: The Brethren "Tradewars" Scenario card...

The reason it bugs me so much -- is because one player will have a card on their "playmat" and the other player will be missing his card. Going to look a bit strange... But what can I say -- got to work with what you have.

Although I won't be recording any video this weekend. I will report back to everyone on BGDF and let you all know how the Conference goes and how many people actually sit down for a REAL DEMO!

Cheers everyone.

Adam Leamey
Joined: 02/23/2017
Good look with the demo quest

Good look with the demo quest can't wait to hear how it turned out.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Thanks Adam!

I will for sure respond how the show went on Sunday night (around 8:00 PM). I also wanted to get some time with a friend (Geof Isherwood) who will be in town for the show from Ottawa. It's only 2 hours away - but I haven't spoken much to Geof...

I'd like to see IF he can do artwork in the a specific style ... so I need to print out a couple of pages at the local Staples for the show. It's because he normally uses a special way of illustration (for comics), I'm looking for a more realistic finish ... and I'd like to discuss it with him.

Anyways I'll do a full report on how many people played the prototype, how many people registered for the FREE copy of the game contest, and any other details relevant to the comic con.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Just got back from Staples

Had my order done for tomorrow. I need to print a promo sheet for TradeWorlds with a QR-Code to the URL of our Celery Pre-Order website/link.

If anyone is still interested in owning their own copy of "TradeWorlds", you can use the following link:

Not the most URL-Friendly link... But that's the right one. The price of the games has gone up about $5.00 USD because the KS is over. But still $34 USD for the "core" is still an amazing deal...

If you're interested in the game you can also visit our KS page:

This can give you full details about the game and what you can get IF you Pre-Order the game, dice or miniatures!

Sorry for the shameless promotion... But people want to still know if they can get copies of the game!


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Well the weekend is over and so is the Comic Con

Saturday was CRAZY!!! Must have been like 60,000 people at the show... I must have demo-ed the game to about two (2) dozen people. That may seem like not all that much - but Saturday I was booked solid with players all day.

25 people picked up a business card and 48 people signed off for the chance to win a FREE copy of the game (Contest).

I know it doesn't sound super-big ... but still I was busy. So not disappointed about low turn-out. It was grand!

We had a couple players who had some suggestions that we are currently evaluating - because they made sense. And we've got some corrections, some more serious than others - but nothing "doomsday"! LOL (That's a TradeWorlds Pun! - Get your copy of the game and you will understand!)


Joined: 01/28/2017
congrats! sounds like it went

congrats! sounds like it went down really well!

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