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TRENCH is almost over... Check it out, before it's TOO LATE!

2 replies [Last post]
questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Here is the link to the Trench KS that has been ran by "Outer Limit Games" (OLG):

LAST 10 minutes left until the Kickstarter ends... So if you know of anyone who likes "polished" Abstract Games, please check Trench out!

A big "Thank You" to anyone who shares this link or who contributes to the campaign!!! Consider backing if you also like Chess, Go, Checkers or Othello...


The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
500% Funded

Great achievement for Outer Limit Games! Very proud of them...great campaign!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
500% PLUS

The Professor wrote:
Great achievement for Outer Limit Games! Very proud of them...great campaign!

Correction, more than 500% from the original Funding Goal!!! Mike and I chatted about that... 500% is great - but over 500% sounds even better! LOL

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