Happy Holidays everyone!
I'm issuing a friendly challenge to everyone who, like me, is tired of buying and getting too many things and wishes the season was more about sharing fun with friends and family.
In a nutshell:
-- By this time next year, have attractive, playable, self-made games for one or more people on your "holiday gifts" list.
In my case, I will try to make 1 game each for my daughter (5), my son (7), and my wife (age withheld by her request).
-- Furthermore, it would be great if people published as many notes as possible about their games' development on this site in their Game Journal and uploaded playable prototypes whenever possible.
This isn't an official challenge. It's more of an agreement between like-minded designers to help each other reach our goals and reclaim some holiday spirit.
Anyone game?
A Halloween "treat" game is a fantastic idea. In fact, that's got such a great set of limitations it might make for an interesting Design Showdown.
In fact, your project is so interesting I'd gladly re-parameterize the challenge above to:
"complete one or more projects for a holiday or other special occasion in lieu of or an addition to 'just buying the usual stuff' and track the project in your online log."
Speaking of which, I'm noodling a couple of designs and should start log entries for them...