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Game Design Humor

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compman's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008

So, I just posted a geeklist over on BGG about the time-consuming, emotionally draining process that is game design. Here's the link:

Hope you enjoy,

gameprinter's picture
Joined: 08/06/2008
How many game designers does it take to change a lightbulb?

Q: How many game designers does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: 10. 1 to change the bulb. 1 to write up rules to simulate it. 1 to edit the rules and supervise development. 1 to do the artwork. 5 to playtest the "In the Dark" game rules and 1 to post on complaining that the game hasn't shipped yet.

Joined: 10/27/2008
You might be a game designer...

If you come up with mechanics when not talking to a mechanic.
If you apply rules from Risk to Monopoly(and vice versa).
If no one plays poker with you anymore, because after every game you've 'tweaked' it.

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