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Super-Tooned's picture
Joined: 07/10/2017

Dear Mother,

You'd be proud of what I have done as a Game Designer, but the war is getting tough. The admin troops are crushing every defense we push against them. We're only down to three men; The Wise, The Young, and The Silent. I fear I may not return. Do not cry though, I will fight on! Please make sure they keep record of this war. If no one knows about our troubles, history is doomed to repeat.

I sit here in my tent while the rain pours down. It makes me think. It makes me worry. No matter how hard I try to advance, I may be shot down. But I always know that if we try hard enough, things will change and I will prevail.

It's funny. I thought if I wrote this I could hang on somehow. Silly me. In due time, I'll be just a story, but that's okay. We're all stories in the end.

Still, our men are in good spirits...That's all that matters. Us three, we cheer each other up.

I've ended lives. I've seen the life drain from innocent men. I've seen their faces turn pale. I try to forget. I'll never escape my nightmares.

I've learned to live with this burden. This isn't life, it's living death! I'm done now! We fight back at dawn. At Saint Rygar's hill. I don't know how long the battle will take. I'm scared though. I don't know what to do. I'll try my best.

Farewell Mother

BHFuturist's picture
Joined: 11/01/2008
The Wise, The Young, and The

The Wise, The Young, and The Silent... that is very deep.

Is this an adaptation of something else for here?


Super-Tooned's picture
Joined: 07/10/2017
Our glory.

BHFuturist wrote:
The Wise, The Young, and The Silent... that is very deep.

Is this an adaptation of something else for here?


Our glory is each other The Wise, Young, and Silent are us. Our crew members. Not only within the group but throughout our planet. Some know. Others are foolish and some talk using no words.

So to answer your question. Yes. It is a adaptation of something else. An adaptation of humanity.


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