The odd bunch. Would be me and a couple of guys I know.
We discussed that only RTS players out there would understand several discussions that we had. But then again, maybe wargamers or other types of gamers, might as well.
So, I got a couple of questions.
Just to see if the group is really limited or not.
So... how many wargamers are there on this forum?
Those who aren't. You still might be familiar with the following questions. I understand that some card games can be used for the same questions. Perhaps other games as well.
Who of you know the meaning of unit types?
There can be several meanings. So, if you have an idea, let me know what your point of view is.
Do you understand the difference between natural and mechanical RPS?
Obviously, one need to know what RPS (Rock-Paper-Scissor) means in the first place. And if the games that you play have this at all. MtG has it! I know that. :)
Tradewars has it too.
Do you understand the difference between hard and soft RPS?
Which is obviously the same category. But on a different axis. Obviously, we got our point of view. But you might have a different one.
How do you view the 1D, 1.5D, 2D, 2.5D and 3D games/strategies?
Clearly the layout of the game.
Most wargames are 2D, where the terrain might add effects (imagining a 3D object). Which makes it 2.5D imho. I wonder who thinks there is a 3.5D, of which I am one of those people.
Variables or Statistics. How do you look at these?
I often talked about these on the forums. But I always wondered if I was talking an alien language to you guys. Health is a statistic. But lately, Hit Points, has gained a second nature to the meaning Health. Further, I like to use the word durability. Which was a statistic for a roll at first. But later on, after discarding the roll, an emergin factor instead. For example in our hobby game, infantry have on average: 5 health, 3 hit points and a durability of 3.662. Well, that was just an example of how wacky things can get when you over analyse mechanics.
Other statistics can be damage, cooldown, armor, range, speed, turn speed, attributes etc. There are many more.
Well, these are just some questions. Just curious how you folks look at these.
Oh, that would be solely me I think. But i never heared, "no wargames discussions please" comment heading my way.
I will respond to the other comments another time. Kinda busy right now. But Pelle, you hit the nail on the head with understanding some terms. :)
As for Tradewards. I need some time to explain how we got to that RPS conclusion, I guess :D