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When the revolution comes

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Midnight_Carnival's picture
Joined: 06/17/2015

This may seem a bit random, but I was inspired by a thread in the new game ideas.
It is about elderly people.
You know that computer/electronic games used to be something kids played, now gamer have grown up?
Changes people sometimes observe are focus on plot and detail, not just better graphics, fast paced and lots of explosions...

But what will happen when a significant number of people who are of retirement age (in the developed world at least) have grown up playing computer games, spent a lot of their free time invested in MMORPGs, etc?

How will things change when you go to visit your grandmother and find she hasn't gotten out of bed in 3 days because she's been online non stop?
And how will games change to accommodate a larger number of elderly gamers?

Joined: 01/27/2017
More evolution than revolution

Personally, I just think casual games will expand into this space. As for grandma not getting out of bed regularly, there are already services that equip seniors' homes with motion detectors so that loved ones can track their activity level (and feel a little less guilty about not visiting more often).

Millennials' parents might want to install similar systems in their basements :-)

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Casual Games & VR

I agree with the sentiment/prediction that there will be a growth in casual games. I also foresee a lot of portable gaming happening, visual novel/interactive fiction/"virtual space" development, and - for those who can afford it - VR gaming.

The vocabulary and experience of elderly gamers will be much more attuned to videogames than current generations. Spending time alone or in chat/VR/Skype-integrated games will likely be at the forefront for elderly gamers.

I personally would like to see physical therapy and physical fitness integrated with VR technology. I had a one-time experience playing a VR game in the past couple months, and I had an absolute blast. Bridging the gap between casual VR games (for example, recently I played a non-violent, "catch the ball" style game) and physical activity for health is an accessible future. Imagine seeing a VR studio set up in the room next to the lap pool at an assisted living center...!

ssm's picture
Joined: 04/06/2017

I spend time in a nursing/rehab center and can say they are much quieter now. About half the people in there are on tablets or phones instead of tv or yelling for attention.

I have often thought about the elderly (video) gamer and have come to realize that they will play anything, just like anyone else. The problem comes in the form of diminished eyesight, mostly contrast, and human nature of saying "I can't see it" and nobody getting down to contrast. A big problem with this is modern electronics have gotten away from offering contrast adjustment for the most part. As screens and UI are changed for the younger users, elderly are in a way more isolated. There was only one company I knew of that offered a high contrast screen protector for tablets, not sure if they still do or not.

On a slightly related rant- What we will be dealing with as a society in the near future is major amounts of near & total blindness. These lasik eye surgeries are bad news for eyes & people over 50 should never get them, but are some of the biggest users of them. Your eye is essentially a muscle control & most sight problems can be solved with exercise.

Super-Tooned's picture
Joined: 07/10/2017

Viva La jeu designers!

(Translation; Long Live the Game Designers)

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