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Bad Links

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Howitzer_120mm's picture
Joined: 03/04/2009

Hopefully this is the right spot.
I'm new, so I don't know where this would go.
There are a number of links here that link back to itself. I assume those links are just wrong.

That's all. I hope the admins will take care of this.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

Welcome to the BGDF.

The links are not broken, but sort of. The site was re-created, from scratch, a couple months ago from a different CMS, and we're still working on migrating the contents. Sadly, there is a lot of content and just a couple admins to do the work, so it's going to take some time.

The links on that page that are not working are links to pages we've still not moved to the new site. In the meantime, you can access the contents of the old site through the Archive link on the top right menu.

Howitzer_120mm's picture
Joined: 03/04/2009
Oh, I see.

Oh, I see.

Jeremiah_Lee's picture
Joined: 08/04/2008

It's -almost- as if I've seen you somewhere before...

BGDF is a really great place, and it has been lots of fun too. There are plenty of people here that really know what they're talking about, which is great for those of us that are new to designing/publishing.

Howitzer_120mm's picture
Joined: 03/04/2009

As you can see, I just registered, and look forward to exploring this site. I don't have time to dig back through all the old forum posts, but I plan to, eventually.

Somehow, you seem strangely familiar too. ;)

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