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Awkward Introduction

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Joined: 12/17/2014

I've always sucked at these things...

I'm a medical student from South Africa, and I'm new to the whole board game design thing. I was directed here by the good folks at's design forums. In terms of current ideas and projects, I've got a wargame system and a board game currently midway through initial writeup, one other board game concept still gestating, and innumerable other ideas which my brain likes to mull over rather than doing things like sleeping or studying.

I'm here to get comments and criticisms on all these things, and looking forward to having a sounding board for my ideas, so you'll no doubt be hearing about all these ideas soon.

So, yeah. Hi.

Joined: 12/17/2014
Can someone explain the Game

Can someone explain the Game Journal feature to me? I'm not entirely sure what is happening there.

Also, most of the links in the "Getting Started" page just link back around to the same page, making it rather unhelpful. Unless I'm doing something wrong?

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Game Journals

I can speak to the game journals, as I have used them a lot for one of my projects in particular.

It's like a blog meets a book, with web/HTML *pages*. You can organize pages to go together in different "chapters," rearrange the pages in any order you wish, let a reader advance forward and backward however you wish, etc. And each page has the same functionality as a typical web page. You can add images and download links just as if it were a blog page, but with the added benefit that it's easily sort-able.

For my project "Mole Majority," for example, I have a front page that gives the summary of the game project and some of the text I would use for a typical sell sheet. I then have links posted for different aspects of the game design: rulesheets, special notations or features of the game, and then playtesting reports as a separate "chapter" of the game journal.

It seems like a fairly useful format for someone to organize their thoughts, but also a useful feature for a designer who wants to share their creation with a potential publisher or funder, since it shows not just the current state of the game but the research, development cycle, and playtesting - among other things - needed for a worthwhile game project.

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