Hi Everyone, My name is Dave and I’m from Ottawa Ontario, Canada.
I’ve got a few first to talk about with this post. Right off the bat this my first post on BGDF (obviously since I’m using the Introduction thread), so I’m excited to start getting to know you guys.
Secondly, I entered my first design contest. I entered my game Wizard’s in this years Board Game Design Lab contest.
Lastly, I presented Wizard’s at a local Ottawa game convention (http://cangames.ca/), the first time it was out in public. I ran it as one the regular game play sessions. It didn’t go so well as no one signed up to play it. I believe it was a marketing error on my part. They ask you for a thirty word blurb for for the website and program and I simply described the the game instead of describing it as a chance to try out an unpublished game by a local designer, which I think might have worked better. I had friends there from my game group as well as my son, so we just played it and had a great time. As we played there were a number of people who stopped by the table and asked about the game and seemed interested, so it wasn’t a complete loss.
For anyone interested here are links to my sell sheet and pitch video. The video is kind of crappy but I think it does the job. Man is it ever hard trying to figure out what things to focus on in a <3 minute video!
Sell sheet:
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for the comments guys. I guess the first thing to do is come up with a new name! I really struggled with the components list. Trying to figure out how to group it all so I'm not identifying each item, keep it high level and generic. I just bought The Gaia Project (https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/220308/gaia-project) and they did a great job of putting a very high level components list on the box.
10 Space sector tiles
7 double sided faction boards
1 research board
1 scoring board, and more than 120 Cardboard tokens and tiles
147 plastic structures and over 300 plastic pieces
I think I'll use this as good standard.
The number of components is pretty consistent with a lot of the games my group plays, like Terraforming Mars or Agricola. It's $100.00 on The Game Crafter with a $75.00 bulk price, somebody like Panda would probably be able to produce it quite a bit cheaper.
I'm going to start a separate thread for this game (which is no longer called Wizards).