I like to think myself as a creative person; I regularly think of ideas for making music, stories, computer games, and of course, board games...and the effectiveness I've been able to make them ranges downwards in that order (I compose music for other people...and I haven't made a single board game yet).
But recently, my friends convinced me to work with them to try to create one. This ended up with me lobbing ideas at them like frag grenades until we could agree on one, and then we went to modify it.
And this is where I need some help.
If I'm not wrong, what we need at the moment is to finalize our concepts, find an artist (none of us knows how to draw) and a publisher. Now, I think concepts will go into the Design Theory section, and publication is under...Publication (duh).
But where would asking tips for finding an artist go to? Publication as well?
Thanks in advance!