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Joined: 11/30/2014


joined the forum to look for information on suppliers, specifically:

small runs of 'clear background' stickers i.e. black on clear.

packaging boxes for games ( display, not postage)

Any recommendations would be great


Miika's picture
Joined: 02/01/2015
Printing companies


I work in small printing company in Finland, and would suggest you find your local print manufacturer. There are quite a many techniques to make stickers.. It would help to know where you're about use these stickers.

You can have printed image / text on clear vinyl, or you can have cutted shapes delivered in application tape, where you tape one larger tape on surface, remove the application tape and only the shapes you want are attached to the surface. These shapes / texts can be one or multicoloured. One coloured are not so expensive...

Try to search shops that makes adverts to cars or to shopping windows.

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