Hello Everyone, my name is Dan and I am from Manchester, UK.
I started my Currant Game Escape Or Dice back in December. I still have a a lot to do with it. up until last week the people I tested it on said they enjoyed it. But after taking it to a playtaster workshop last week they were not that keen and advised me to drop the Roll and Move aspect.
But as I want that to be a Main Part of the game i'm hoping to work on it!.
Hello Everyone and thank you for your comments.
I am looking at creating a game in which is fun for everyone. not too tricky and fun.
Here is a link to the rule book I had before the playtest. http://escapeordice.com/rule-book/
There is also a blog which shows Pictures of the board.
Since then I have recreated the board and rule book. below is what I have come up with so far. I know that its all work in progress and that my game will be tweaked a whole lot more and I am enjoying it.
At the start of every round every player will roll their dice at the same time.
In the first round whoever went to the toilet last picks which roll they want then play proceeds clockwise.
Every one will then take turns to pick first.
(This is an idea which i found online and its good as if a player is 4 spaces away from the dungeons then they will want to have another dice if there roll was 4.)
Each player has 5 lives.
These can be lost by being set to the dungeons, attacked by monsters and losing to other players.
During every round each player can Pick up another loot card and can use attack and other cards on other players.
What then happens in the game depends on what you land on.
A – Attack from the Dice
If you land on A you have been caught by the Dice. This means you lose all your loot cards and bottle tops.
If you have an attack card you can use this to battle the dice. To beat the dice, you Roll another dice and your attack card must be higher or the same as the dice.
C- Castle
If you land on Castle you have the chance to raid it.
Pick up a Castle card from the deck
Be warned though as some cards mean you are either caught and sent to dungeons (lose a life) or you must run! (You pay 5 bottle tops to run)
D- Dungeons
Land on this letter and you could get sent to the dungeon and lose all your treasure and lose a life.
Once in the dungeons you must make your way through back to the start of the city again. You can fight Monsters in the dungeons to gain loot cards and pick up Bottle tops.
Attacked by Monsters
If You land on this icon it means you are under attack from the monsters that are in Talon.
Bottle tops
If You land on this icon it means you pick up 3 bottle tops. You can use these at add to your treasure or buy more loot cards.
Loot cards
Loot card gives you Bottle Tops to add to your treasure, Attack cards and more.
S- Spawn from Dungeon
land on S in the Dungeons and you escape to S on the main board.
That is what I have so far. I do hope this makes sense and I do apologize if it doesn't
I have a full week off next week and I am looking forward to adding more to the game.
Thank you