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Hello everyone!!!!

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Joined: 01/30/2016

Hello All!!!

I'm Ashu, an IT professional working in Sydney, Australia. I'm glad to be part of this forum.

As a newbie to game design, I'd appreciate if someone can refer me to articles, URLs,references, books etc. on the mechanics of board game design, what the most popular board games entails and how to think towards creating a storyline.

I've got a very high level idea on a game concept geared towards Business folks/Enterprises, Academics/MBA Colleges to play the game and learn concepts as the game progresses.

Any pointers or tips are appreciated.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Dr. Lew

Take a look at this collection of presentations made by Dr. Lewis E. Pulsipher the game designer of "Britannia (1986)":

You've got plenty to watch... now! :)


Update: PM "lewpuls" and he can maybe send you a direct link to the material that you are looking for. I'm certain he has a presentation with regards to game mechanics...

polyobsessive's picture
Joined: 12/11/2015

Hi Ashu!

For general reading, I highly recommend "The Kobold Guide to Board Game Design". This is a collection of essays written by some of the biggest names in the field covering a lot of ground between them. You may want to read more deeply on a lot of the areas covered, but this is a great primer.

Good luck with your design projects. Probably the best advice I can give would be to get playing a rough and incomplete version of your game as soon as you can so you can start finding the problems right away.

All the best!

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