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Hello from the GTA!

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oneMeVz's picture
Joined: 06/08/2013

My name's Michael, I'm at the point in my life where I move around a bit, but generally I live in the Greater Toronto Area. I frequently join friends in Toronto for a weekly boardgame gathering.

I began gaming with Risk in highschool, but after so many plays I started designing modified versions and other unique boardgames until I discovered designer-boardgames. Since then, my head has been brimming with new boardgame ideas.

I currently have one game in prototype and playtesting and five others that are either still in planning waiting for a prototype or are still under-developed ideas (links coming soon).

Joined: 04/08/2012
Welcome Michael,

Glad to have ya here on the forum. Hope you enjoy it, because is tons of great people here in the game industry and just self publishers as well willing to share advice, the do's and don'ts and what if suggestions, ideas, and everything in between. Have at it. Again, welcome.

ckleach's picture
Joined: 02/26/2013
Welcome ...

Welcome from another GTA member. I'm assuming you've frequented Snakes & Lattes on Bathurst - if you are an avid board gamer. If not, it's a great place. My friends rave about it.

Since you are roughly in the same geo locale as me (I'm in Brampton), then maybe we could exchange prototypes and playtest each others games. It's nice to be able to work with other game designers. I don't have any in my circles so I'm more of less working in a bubble.

Either way, if you were interested in a PnP or live prototype exchange, PM me.

Thanks and welcome again.

Joined: 11/13/2012
I'm in Mississauga, same goes

I'm in Mississauga, same goes for me.

ckleach's picture
Joined: 02/26/2013
Blam! More GTA'ers (terrible

Blam! More GTA'ers (terrible term, I know). Nice to meet you guys/girls.

oneMeVz's picture
Joined: 06/08/2013
Wow, I'm also living in

Wow, I'm also living in Brampton for the summer.
I'm actually going to Snakes n Lattes tonight for the boardgame designer's night tonight!

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