Hello everyone! My name is Matt Hester and I'm the creator of Shattered Empires ( www.facebook.com/shatteredempires ). I am thankful for the opportunity to join this forum and touch base with so many other great designers! I'm looking forward to see what other people have come up with as well as receiving feedback on my own projects!
Hello from Shattered Empires
Tue, 10/23/2012 - 20:14
Thu, 10/25/2012 - 21:22
Welcome to the forums. Will take a look at your facebook page in a bit.
A lot of stuff has happened since I first joined this site over six weeks ago. I've managed to get a few pieces of art for my game and I'm still narrowing down the overall "look" for the card layout. However, the mechanics are nailed down, the factions are designed and now we're just doing balancing for the initial decks. Once I have enough artwork, I'm going to get the game on Kickstarter.
I want to thank everyone for their suggestions, their feedback and their encouragement. Please continue to join us as we develop the game and world behind Shattered Empires. Make sure to check us out on Facebook.
Thank you again!