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Hello there! I'm new :)

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AlasDemigod's picture
Joined: 06/08/2017

Hello everyone!

My name is Stefano and I'm a 26 year-old Italian student of translation, currently at the second year of my master at the University of Vienna. I've been an avid gamer for most my life, ranging from videogames, to CCGs, RPGs and boardgames. My favorite titles are: Imperial Settlers, Battlelore 2.0 and The Voyages of Marco Polo.

I never really thought about designing a game until very recently. I liked to play with design ideas in my head every now and then, but I hardly considered making them a reality. This at least until few months ago, when I had an idea that I would like to pursue, if I see that it's worth working on. So I started reading articles and listening to video and audio Podcasts about game design. This is how I come to BGDF.

I look very much forward to learning more about design!

Joined: 04/08/2012

Welcome to the forum, AlasDemigod.


let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Hello Stefano

Welcome to BGDF!

There is indeed a lot to learn about design. I suggest you keep refining your idea, share what you can on the forums, and consider any of the constructive feedback that comes out of it. The input of other designers can help take your design to a much better place than if you were working on your own.

Best of success to you and your projects. :)

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