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Hey, the BGDF is still in use, woot!

14 replies [Last post]
MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008

Hey all, Matthew Frederick here. I was part of the BGDF community from very early on.

I’m super glad to see that folks are still using it (and someone is still hosting it)!

I met so many great people here, some of whom definitely moved into the industry.

From those early days, here are several of them:

Gil Hova has created and published multiple great games.

Seth Jaffee has designed several and serves as a driving force behind Tasty Minstrel Games, developing many more.

Matt Worden created and published great games.

Jeff Warrender designed several great games and his game The Sands of Time was published not long ago.

Josh Cappel has had several great games published, and is a talented artist who has illustrated many games you’ve played:

I know there are several more I’m forgetting (sorry). I’m just glad to see that this community has continued to flourish and to reminisce about the early days.

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Oh, and me...?

Me, I co-won the first design contest here, almost had a game published, and have done nothing else!

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008

Oh, and whoever runs the joint now (sorry again, I wasn’t able to easily determine it) should probably take my admin rights away. They’re from long ago, heh.

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
Hello! You registered months

Hello! You registered weeks before me! I do not remember any of the names you mention. It was a long time ago. Even if I have lurked here all the time, joining in a thread now and then, I never quite followed admin changes.

Remember there was a rule against discussing wargames? Everything was so euro-focused. Much more diverse now. Many threads about combat systems and such now. Other than that probably no big changes other than users joining and leaving.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Ask and ye shall receive

MatthewF wrote:
Oh, and whoever runs the joint now (sorry again, I wasn’t able to easily determine it) should probably take my admin rights away. They’re from long ago, heh.

Hello Matthew from your friendly mod. I sent your access concern to Rich who does User Administration. I just try to keep things courteous... Most of BGDF is self-moderated... I think I can count the number of mod-related incidents on one hand (over the last 5 years).

Welcome back and feel free to join in the BGDF community. Cheers!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Well less "known" people still contribute to BGDF regularly

I would say that our "crowd" is about two dozen (24) regulars/semi-regulars who post messages and actively contribute to threads on the forum. Seth doesn't post as he is rather busy with Tasty Minstrel Games. We have other Admins (Rich Durham primarily) and some of us have limited Admin access for threads and managing conversations (like myself).

I've sent Rich a PM about your Admin access... He's the primary Admin of BGDF... but I keep an eye for him with regards to such matters or others concerning the forum...

Anyways hope Rich responds soon enough with a check of your access. I don't have User Admin Rights ... So I can't make any verifications for your account. Rich is out there in Australia so there is a time difference but usually we are online at "OPPOSITE" hours (Him in the Morning, Me in the Evening)... And it normally works well.

richdurham's picture
Joined: 12/26/2009
Powers reduced!

Glad you could come by and visit, Matthew. On your request, the strength of the admin will be stripped away.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Maybe you want to re-kindle your Board Game Skills???

richdurham wrote:
Glad you could come by and visit, Matthew. On your request, the strength of the admin will be stripped away.

I do hope that you consider re-visting BGDF more frequently... Knowing such prominent people in the industry means that you have perspective our other designers may not have...

Although Gabe Barrett from BGDL fame is one of the visitors to BGDF and he's probably interviewed some if not most of the designers you mentioned. Any how, I think we have all learned who some of the more prominent players are in the industry... But I personally think, it's the comment to a post or a suggestion to explore a direction that really "help" designers with the things they are having difficulty with or just need a couple innovative ideas...

BGDF is all about SHARING and contributions to threads do not go un-noticed. As with everyone, you are free to explore the website and maybe get involved by posting a comment or helping out another designer...

As a said we encourage our designers to participate in the threads and just feel free to "give your opinion" or some of "your thoughts" concerning an issue or a design in general.

Cheers and welcome back!

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
pelle wrote:Hello! You

pelle wrote:
Hello! You registered weeks before me! I do not remember any of the names you mention. It was a long time ago. Even if I have lurked here all the time, joining in a thread now and then, I never quite followed admin changes.

Happy 10-year anniversary (wow)

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
More designers

I managed to forget at least two more:

Ariel Seoane has several great games published.

As does Rick Holzgrafe.

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008

10 years, that’s right! Thanks!

I’ll definitely come visit now and then. I’m still peripherally involved in game design and have never lost interest.

On admin rights, I don’t actually care one way or another, but since I’m not here much I wouldn’t notice if someone hacked my account, so better to not be an admin.

Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
I'm not dead yet

Wow, it's nice to be remembered! Thanks, Matthew. I'm actually still around and check the forums here pretty much every day, although I don't post much. But a lot of my early start in boardgame design came from this site, for sure. It's nice to see some of the "old guard" still here from time to time.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Blast from the past!

I haven't been on this site in a LONG time, but I stumbled onto a link to something I'd posted about Terra Prime a while ago, and I thought I'd check out the recent posts on the sidebar...

Imagine my surprise when I saw posts from MatthewF and Rick-Holzgrafe!

Matthew, I've always wondered what happened to you. I liked your Everst game, and your Elven treehouse game. One of my friends still asks about Cow Tipping!

Friendly Menace
Friendly Menace's picture
Joined: 03/23/2011
Old Home Week

Just happened by in time to catch this thread while it's still current. Greetings from one of us Spielbany founders who met on BGDF. Grateful for all the folks I was able to connect with on BGDF back in the day .... and still waiting to hit the big time :-)

richdurham's picture
Joined: 12/26/2009
The world is small

When I joined BGDF in 2009, I had no idea that I'd meet the same people online as at Spielbany, and when I moved to New Zealand I became friends with ANOTHER old-time BGDF member, Nestalawe.

Such a small world!

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