No not the actual soup itself just a guy who used to die a lot via headshot in the original alpha and beta versions of counterstrike. I remarked one day after repeatedly dying that the remains of my head must look like a bowl of Chunky Soup and it stuck.
That was a long time ago and the name still is relevant in anything I play be it video or board game form. I stumbled upon this site while I was trying to find a role playing game for my younger daughters. Back when they were 8 & 10, I tried D&D but they got bored really quick. I couldn't find much back then but I kept thinking about it. Shuffle ahead a few years and I still had not found a game that we could play in the RPG format. I know there must be some out there but couldn't find any and I had forgotten about this site until I found it in one of my bookmarks late last year. A quick perusal and I got the itch to make my own! It has taken me about 9 months of designing, playtesting, tweaking, playtesting, repeat with my family and my extended family and I am at the point where I need more feedback.
I hope to find that feedback and also to discover new and exciting games I can play with them now that they are a little older!