Hi there,
I'm new, I'm not sure anyone actually reads these introductions, but here it goes. My name is Seth Van Orden. I live in Madison, WI. I from Decatur, IL. I love playing games. I've been gaming since I was young. I'm currently working on a stock market game that revolves around a new bidding mechanic. I'm looking for more people to play test it. I've taking to protospiels and other game design gatherings and have gotten tons of positive feedback. Let me know if you are interested.
Hi I'm Seth.
Tue, 04/29/2014 - 10:19
Tue, 04/29/2014 - 15:42
I'd be happy to give it a go.
I'd be happy to give it a go. I'm a big fan of games that involve bidding. What supplies will I need? Will you ship a prototype?
Tue, 04/29/2014 - 17:45
Hi Seth
You're right, "welcome" posts often go pretty un-commented. Maybe the community doesn't want to feel like a support group meeting where we respond in unison with a "Hi, Seth!"
That said, Hi Seth.
I'll take a look at your game too - I've got a regular prototyping group now that we might be able to squeeze this into. Have you looked at groups specific to finding play-testers, like "Got Game Testers?"
Can you outline some specific issues or questions you'd like testers to focus on?
Here's a link to a drop box with files needed for the game.
If you are willing to print it out, make sure to read the print instructions file on the dropbox. The rules are there too. Please let me know if you have any questions. You'll need a player markers for bidding, and couple marks for keeping track of the stock values. Colored cubes from any game work, or you can use any type of meeples.
Thanks for your time. The thing that sets it apart is that collectively the group has all the knowledge about what is being bid on, but individually no one has all the information. It's combining, Liars Dice (due to hidden knowledge), with coloretto (due to placing card in groups the players will get)and vegas showdown (due to the style bidding). It's a fairly simple game, but there's tons of depth in strategy an just enough luck with change values in stock to make things interesting.
I'm sure about shipping copies yet, but that might be a future possibility, but I probably won't do that until the art is finished. The Dropbox files should have almost everything besides a few basic parts, but the board fits on a single page and can be printed.