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Hi. My Name is Dany.

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dakukuc's picture
Joined: 12/07/2015


Thank you for dropping by!

My name is Dany. Me and my wife just recently resigned from our work (6 years on Online Game Publishing in Indonesia) and very much want to start our own gaming project. We have high passion on board gaming, because we think that board gaming is the perfect way to game with good interaction among it users.

We joined BDGF with hope to discuss and escalate our knowledge and standard about boardgaming world. We also hope to share our little experience we had to the community.

Cheers and happy boardgaming,

I Will Never Gr...
I Will Never Grow Up Gaming's picture
Joined: 04/23/2015
Hi Dany! Welcome to the

Hi Dany!

Welcome to the BGDF.

Are you working on anything currently? What made you resign from your positions in Online Game publishing?

dakukuc's picture
Joined: 12/07/2015
Hi IWNGUG, thank you for the

Hi IWNGUG, thank you for the greeting!

Currently we're working on a few board game projects and about to take them on testing phase. We have this little blog about our game:

I'm not really comfortable talking about the reason of my resign in public, but if you're really want to know, I can PM you :). Actually, thank you for the question. It's really nice of you to ask :).

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