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Hi there from Italy, I'm Federico, a newbie!

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federicolatini's picture
Joined: 04/15/2012

the subject tells you all you have to know, my name is Federico, I'm italian and I'm new to Game Design.
I discovered the pleasure of Board Games long time ago but only recently I became a heavy player, and as I'm shameless to fail I decided to digg my self into the everlasting adventure of creating a boardgame of my own.
I'm here to learn how to fail in a constructive way.
that's it
Ah, and last but not least I'm also member of a mirror forum for just italian game designer (hosted by Paolo Mori), I'm planning to bridge somehow those two forum, maybe by silmply posting interesting threads from a forum to another (let the God of tranlsation help me).
ciao ciao

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
federicolatini wrote:I'm here

federicolatini wrote:
I'm here to learn how to fail in a constructive way.

This is what i call playtesting. Most of my games need significant changes after the first test.

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federicolatini's picture
Joined: 04/15/2012

I actually realized that playtesting is, at the end of the day, the real value of a game, the more a game is playtested the better. The wiser the playtester the better the game will be. I'm convinced that a good game designer is someone able to gather good playtester around him/her and motivate them to keep playing his/her game. From this prospective, social skills are actually as important as creativity for game designers!

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