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Illustrator Says Hello

4 replies [Last post]
Darrenn E. Canton
Joined: 09/18/2012

Hi, my name is Darrenn E. Canton. I am an illustrator living in Washington, DC. I am here to connect with board game designers. I am new to this community but I hope I will fit in well here.

You can see my work at my website: .

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
You have a fun style. It

You have a fun style. It would be perfect for childrens games.

Joined: 04/08/2012
Stylish and fun artwork

I agree with Dralius. I think it would be neat to see in a childs board game or card game or combined.

Joined: 06/07/2012
Nice to see you here

Nice to see you here Darrenn

I think your artwork could compliment any game. At the end of the day the object or character requirements are a product of the game and its theme.

However, the representational style is all down to the artist and your style would suit a great many potential games. I looked at your website and came away very impressed. I've always been a fan of pencils, pastels and water colours :)

Thankyou for sharing a taste of your artwork with us.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Nice artwork

One of the other designers on this website is designing a game called "Rats Craft", his name is "Larienna".

Here is a link to his *awesome* list of games he is designing, you will find Rats Craft in the list:

Anyways I personally can picture Rats Craft using your style of artwork to help render the *Theme* (light and humorous).


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